Notes to Vendors
1. Vendor/Lessee Registration
In order to become a Melco Crown Entertainment (MCE) vendor, you need to fill out the registration form and provide the following requested information. Please fax or email them to our Supply Chain Department.
– Completed Supplier Registration Form
– Valid Business Registration
– Copy of declaration of business establishment (M1 form) and sales tax collection notice (M8 form)
You can download the form from the link below or directly from the MCE Local Supplier Relations website.
Online Registration of Interest Link to MCE Website Instruction Video
2. MCE Product and Service List
Upon becoming a qualified MCE vendor, you can go through the list provided by MCE to learn about the products and services that are regularly procured by MCE.
You can download the list from the link below or directly from the MCE Local Supplier Relations website.
Link to Product and Service List Link to MCE Website Instruction Video
Procurement Process
- Complete the Registration of Interest Form
- Fax or Send email to MCE Supply Chain department
- Wait for approval and notification
- Browse the MCE Product and Service List
- Contact MCE Supply Chain to learn about details and requirements of items that you are interested
- Fill in the Quotation Form
- Fax or Send email to MCE Supply Chain department
- Wait for reply and procurement confirmation
Electronic Quotation Template
You can email or fax your quotation to MCE Supply Chain department.
Download the quotation template from the link below or fill in the online form directly at the MCE Local Supplier Relations website.
Download Quotation Template (Excel) Download Quotation Template (PDF) Fill in Online Quotation Form
Sample Quotation (Excel) Sample Quotation (PDF) Instruction Video
Enquiry Hotline
Should your company have any query about the procurement process or its operation, you are welcome to contact CPTTM during office hours. SME Service Hotline: 8898 0871
Latest News
Registration of Vendor Open Day
Registration of Vendor Experience Tour
Please use the following link to access the MCE Local Supplier Relations website.