July will be the Deadline for Fashion Illustration Contest of CPTTM (2023.06.29 )

The deadline of “The 14th Macao Fashion Illustration Contest” is extended to July 20, in order to provide enough time for interested parties to create and submit their entries. Fashion illustration enthusiasts are welcome to participate.

The contest theme is “Times in Macao‧The Macanese Charms”. In addition to the student and open categories for Macao residents, an open category has been added for people from Portuguese-speaking countries to promote the role of Macao as a platform for economic and trade cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. Through this platform, people from these countries can interact with fashion art lovers and know Macao better. The Judging Panel will consist of fashion designers and artists. There will be one champion, one first and one second runner-up in each of the three categories, as well as one Internet popularity award for each category and six merit awards. Winners will receive trophies, certificates and prizes.  

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Inscrições Abertas para o Concurso de Ilustração de Moda de Macau (2023.05.18)

Estão abertas as inscrições para o “14º Concurso de Ilustração de Moda de Macau”, organizado pelo Centro de Produtividade e Transferência de Tecnologia de Macau (CPTTM). Os amantes da ilustração de moda são bem-vindos a participar no concurso. O prazo para apresentação de obras candidatas termina a 28 de Junho. Este ano, foi acrescentado um grupo do público em geral destinado aos falantes de língua portuguesa. As inscrições são bem-vindas.

O tema do concurso é “Memórias de Macau ‧ Encanto da Cultura Sino-Lusófona”. Para além dos grupos de estudante e do público em geral destinados aos residentes de Macau, foi acrescentado um grupo do público em geral destinado aos falantes de língua portuguesa, de modo a reforçar o papel de Macau como plataforma de cooperação económica e comercial entre a China e os Países de Língua Portuguesa. Através desta plataforma, a população destes países podem interagir com os amantes da arte da moda e conhecer melhor Macau. Não há restrição aos números e métodos de apresentação dos trabalhos candidatos. Os interessados podem inscrever-se online. As obras candidatas devem ser entregues pessoalmente ou enviadas por correio (conforme a data do carimbo postal) ao Ponto de Encontro de Tecnologia do Vestuário do CPTTM (Rua dos Pescadores, Edf. Industrial Ocean, Fase II, 10° Andar, Macau) até às 21h00 do dia 28 de Junho. O júri profissional é composto por designers de moda, criadores artísticos de Macau e outros. Haverá um campeão, um segundo e um terceiro prémio, bem como um prémio de popularidade na Internet e seis prémios de mérito para cada uma das três categorias. Os vencedores receberão taças, certificados e prémios.  

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Fashion Illustration Contest of the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center Is Open for Entries (2023.05.18 Press Release)

The “14th Macao Fashion Illustration Contest” of Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM) is now open for entries. Fashion illustration enthusiasts are welcome to participate the contest. The deadline for entry submission is June 28. An open category for Portuguese-speaking countries has been added for this year’s contest and entries. Welcome to register for the contest.

The contest theme is “Times in Macao ‧ The Macanese Charms”. In addition to the student and open categories for Macao residents, an open category has been added for people from Portuguese-speaking countries to promote the role of Macao as a platform for economic and trade cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. Through this platform, people from these countries can interact with fashion art lovers and know Macao better. The number of entries and their expressions are unrestricted. Interested parties may register for the event online. Entries should be submitted online, in person or by mail (subject to the date of postmark) to The House of Apparel Technology of CPTTM (Rua dos Pescadores, Edf. Industrial Ocean, Fase II, 10˚ andar,  Macao) before 9:00 p.m. on June 28. The Judging Panel will consist of fashion designers and artists. There will be one champion, one first and one second runner-up in each of the three categories, as well as one Internet popularity award for each category and six merit awards. Winners will receive trophies, certificates and prizes.  

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Centrestage is a large-scale fashion platform with scale and reputation in the region

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Productivity Center focuses on the cultivation of fashion aesthetics in the new generation

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是次比賽以粵港澳大灣區11個城市旅遊景點為主題。參加者需先設計繪畫以 “澳門景點”為主題的親子旅行裝(男女裝均可,一式兩套),並以該服裝款式為藍本,再分別描繪配上其餘10個灣區城市─香港、廣州、東莞、江門、肇慶、深圳、珠海、中山、佛山、惠州─旅遊景點的款式圖,合共11套作品,以展示大灣區9+2各城市的特色。活動將選出11名獲選者,獲選者需按評審挑選的其中一款灣區城市設計圖進行親子裝實物製作,成果將在“永利盃——第四屆全澳小學生國情繪畫大賽”頒獎儀式中以時裝匯演方式展示。  

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Branl Story is the highlight of MFG

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“品牌的故事”系列活動自2017年推出,由文化局與澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心合辦,是次展覽徵集活動於去年接受申請,經專業評審團選出了五個本地時尚品牌,包括Lexx Moda、Nega C.、ZICS、FAITH & FEARLESS及NO.42,將分五期展示作品。首期展出的是女鞋品牌Lexx Moda,展場佈置以簡單黑白線條為主調,融合現代風格的造型擺設,突顯品牌經典造型款式,期望讓參觀者在簡約的展覽氛圍下沉澱思緒,用心感受品牌背後傳遞的故事。  

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生產力中心下週辦公服務安排(2020-02-22 新聞稿)

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為配合特區政府持續的防疫防控措施,澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心由2月24至28日將繼續對外提供基本服務。但各辦事處的課程及考試報名服務仍繼續暫停,包括原安排於三月份開課的所有課程及考試。有關復課日期,生產力中心將於復課前一週通知學員。至於四月份及以後開課的課程,公眾現可透過網上進行報名(http://www.cpttm.org.mo/training) 。對外基本服務的辦公時間如下:星期一至四,上午九時至下午一時,下午二時三十分至五時四十五分;星期五上午九時至下午一時,下午二時三十分至五時三十分(星期六及日暫停辦公)。  

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